
wake up in the morning, doing routines and sleep again. Now,  Break a routines, doing random, and feel different. When you take a picture with your camera or something, Feel the emotion and tell everyone what you feel or you care.

babythis photo i take in car free day in Dago, Bandung. They not sibling and even don’t know each other

bullswhen i ride in my motorbike, i see this cool jacket, Bulls.

cat2Cat Series #1


Cat Series #2

wanita tuawhile i was on my way home, i saw an old lady was standing in a sidewalk . i didn’t know what she brought, but i thought she was a beggar


He is a some people in Indonesia who search alternative to find money. Sell Indomie for his family

coupleA young marriage cross the road.

lowriderI don’t know why, bike is everywhere. And low rider is one of them


not only bike , that thing, whom can make people jump, is exist in car free day

charlie comes backCharlie Chaplin is exist


this photos bellow is my favorite, i really love this photos. Do you know about “photo can speak” . let they tell about they story

saya akan menaklukan duniai will take this world

buldogThe bulldog!

doing this photograph, i not always use viewfinder. i am really doing random, shoot what i want to shoot. just shoot and see what i got.

ps. go somewhere different.

1 thought on “randomize

  1. ki, you should read my blog :p I love the picture you love the most, I love the way you get the monkey in it, it tells me much more than the photo itself. :)

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